高伟 博士,副教授
How do virtual streamers affect purchase intention in the live streaming context? A presence perspective[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023, 73: 103356.(第一作者)
Which is more effective for platform performance: Punishments or incentives?[J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2023, 110: 117-128.(通讯作者)
Understanding the role of streamers in livestreaming commerce: a vocal–visual perspective[J]. Journal of Management Analytics, 2023, 10(2): 247-269.(第一作者)
Information vulnerability in facial recognition payment: An explanation of technology threat avoidance and information boundary theory[J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2023, 61: 101298.(第一作者)
Are AI chatbots a cure-all? The relative effectiveness of chatbot ambidexterity in crafting hedonic and cognitive smart experiences [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2023, 156: 113526.(通讯作者)
How does (im)balanced acceptance of robots between customers and frontline employees affect hotels’ service quality?[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2022, 133: 107287.(通讯作者)
Omni-channel customer experience (in) consistency and service success: a study based on polynomial regression analysis[J]. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2021, 16(6): 1997-2013.(第一作者)
How customer experience incongruence affects omnichannel customer retention: The moderating role of channel characteristics[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021, 60: 102487.(第一作者)
Crafting the customer experience in omnichannel contexts: The role of channel integration[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 126: 12-22. (第一作者)
How does customer orientation (in) congruence affect B2B electronic commerce platform firms’ performance?[J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2020, 87: 18-30.(通讯作者)
Building presence in an online shopping website: the role of website quality[J]. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2019, 38(1): 28-41.(第一作者)
The dark side of ubiquitous connectivity in smartphone-based SNS: An integrated model from information perspective[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2018, 84: 185-193.(第一作者)
How does presence influence purchase intention in online shopping markets? An explanation based on self-determination theory[J]. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2018, 37(8): 1-14.(第一作者)
How does social presence influence SNS addiction? A belongingness theory perspective[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2017, 77: 347-355.(第一作者)
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